MojaKart allows its consumers to return goods within 7 days after the order has been delivered. Returns are ONLY accepted if:
You receive a wrong, damaged, defective or counterfeit item
You change your mind and you did not tamper with the manufacturer’s seal.
When returning an item, please ensure that the complete packaging along with all the product accessories is returned. Any product that is returned with a missing item will be rejected and flagged as an invalid return.
All returns can be initiated by filling out the form here. Alternatively, consumers can call us on our hotline number +230 58816481.
Goods can be returned to our office at AK MOJAKART LTD, 4 Glaieuls Avenue, Quatre Bornes-72249. Alternatively, if consumers require the goods to be picked up, they need to mention it in their form. The return delivery person will attempt to contact the consumer twice. If attempts fail, the return will be flagged as invalid. Pick up returns will not be charged; however, if the return is invalid then the customer will be charged for the pickup cost. The cost will be similar to the delivery charges.
Products cannot be returned after 7 days. However, if the product is faulty, customers can check out the warranty page to get more information on the due process forward.
We will keep you posted through email and text on the status of your return.
NB: All surprise gifts need to be returned along with the product.
To return a product please visit this page